Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summer Reading list

I have a few confessions. First, I'm posting this because I believe in doing so it will make me more likely to finish this summer. Second, I'm not usually one to make one of these. Actually, the confession is that I wouldn't consider myself much of a reader until graduating college; so, to hold myself accountable, as well as to start on my "making goals" decision, here is my summer reading list, in no particular order:
For All God’s Worth, written by N.T. Wright
  • I've heard a lot about N.T. Wright, in Christian circles, and how he is something like the next C.S.  Lewis, so I thought I'd give this one a try since we own it.
Made to Stick, written by Chip and Dan Heath
  • Bruce has been raving about this book over the past year and I keep putting it back, so I want to be sure I actually read it, because, as I've learned from my past, Bruce doesn't just throw a crappy book at you to read.
Angry Conversations with God, written by Susan Isaacs
  • At Jubilee 2010, Susan Isaacs was there and performed part of her book which in turn brought me to tears. Not in the moment, but embarrassingly, right in front of her after introducing myself to her (which as most of you know, is pretty difficult). I haven't been able to get past that, but now I want to cry through her book.
Do Justice: a social justice road map, edited by Kristin Vander Giessen-Reitsma
  • Justice is what I feel is the most important calling of Christians and this book comes highly recommended, being "a social justice road map."
The Naked Gospel, written by Andrew Farley
  • I know nothing about this book. I found amongst all of the moving we've done in the past 2 years. Plus the title has two of my favorite past-times...
Blue Like Jazz, written by Donald Miller
  • I just read "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years," so I want to read his previous book too.
The Dangerous Act of Worship, written by Mark Labberton
  • I'm actually half way through this, but I thought it still counted.

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